// WHO?


“I found that I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say in any other way – things that I had no words for.”

— Georgia O’Keeffe

As a kid, two things have always fascinated me: technology and vintage art. Everything old school. I’m obsessed by all things vintage: photography, art, painting and cinema. That passion is the fuel that makes me create colorful art inspired by the past. In 1993 I started creating art on the computer. First with Paintbrush. It was a different way of playing with colors and depth, but with the same ideals and ideas. My earlier computer generated artworks were short stories created as comic books and that was when I discovered pixel art. It was fun, but still not quite what I was really looking for.

In the late 1990s, while working in the signage industry, I was presented to a medium that changed my way of thinking and creating art in an immediate and irreversible way: vector art. So fascinating! So brand new! So many possibilities! It was resolution independent and easier to work. But occasionally I still play with pixels, traditional illustration and raster art to experiment with combinations and memories. And the rest, the rest is what you see displayed here. Today I run This is Blasé, a design and art studio specializing in psychedelic and pop art. Crafting my art from the sunny city of Vitoria.

I'm also on Instagram and Dribbble.